Silver Pre-/Post Antibiotic History

Wesley et. al. 2005 “Silver has been used for at least six millennia to prevent microbial infections and was the most important antimicrobial agent available before the introduction of antibiotics. Silver also has played an important role in the development of...

Silver No Risk to Health or Environment

Danish Environmental Protection Agency 2012 “Danish Ministry of the Environment, found that nanosilver in textiles including various forms of clothing as well as cleaning cloths and children’s toys pose no risk of health effects or environmental...

Silver Non-Environmental Threat

Maass et. al. 2008 “Silver nanoparticles do not remain “nanosize” when they come in contact with normal environmental samples, such as soil and water,but they agglomerate to form much larger, much less biologically effective, silver particles which are...

Silver Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Klippstein et. al. 2010 “Dermatitis was induced on the ears of BALB/c mice using dinitrofluorobenzene and of silver, applied once a day for four days. The results showed significant reductions of ear swelling, erythema and histopathological inflammation with no...